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Should I Speak to the Insurance Company About My Injuries?

After being injured in an accident, one of the first calls you receive will come from the other party’s insurance company. Their job is to prevent you from obtaining compensation or to reduce the amount of compensation you receive and, to accomplish this, they will use numerous tactics to weaken your claim. One such tactic is to lure you into a conversation about your injuries. Unfortunately, you will not know much about your injuries this early on, especially if you did not even have a chance to seek medical treatment yet. Therefore, it is in your best interests not to discuss your injuries with the other party’s insurance company until your attorney advises you to do so. Generally, you will provide information about your injuries to the insurance company once you are ready to begin negotiating your claim.

patient sitting on wheelchair in hospital ward after a car accident, accident injuries

Understanding How to Handle the Insurance Company

When speaking to an insurance adjuster, it is important to not discuss the details of your injuries, even after you seek treatment. The adjuster might try to convince you that you are obligated to provide your medical records regarding any treatment you received thus far, but you are under no such obligation and you should politely decline this request.

You and your attorney will be able to discuss your injuries once you begin to negotiate a settlement. Generally, this is done upon reaching maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI does not necessarily mean you will be fully recovered, but rather that you have recovered as much as you can and your condition cannot improve any more than it already has. At this stage, you will have an understanding of any permanent damage or disabilities you might have as a result of your injuries, which will allow your attorney to calculate a more accurate estimate for the value of your claim. Waiting to reach MMI will help ensure that you do not accidentally set too low a value on your claim and end up footing the bill for any of the expenses and losses associated with your injuries.

The only details you are obligated to provide when speaking to the insurance adjuster are the basics, including when and where the accident took place, if there were any witnesses, and if the officers at the scene wrote up a police report. Anything beyond these basic details are not required. You can refer the insurance adjuster to your own insurance company or ask that they speak with your attorney.

Hire a Knowledgeable Personal Injury Attorney Today!

If you were injured in an accident due to someone’s negligence, you need to contact the personal injury team at The Fran Haasch Law Group for the skilled legal assistance you need to navigate this complex process. With almost two decades of experience on our side, you can feel confident in our team’s ability to represent you and fight on your behalf for the compensation you deserve for your losses and suffering.

Contact our law office today at (727) 784-8191 to request a complimentary case review with one of our compassionate personal injury attorneys to discuss your case and find out how we can help you.

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