Motorcycle riders have unique needs when it comes to insurance. Most auto insurance companies do not cover motorcycles, so it is important to find an insurance company specializing in motorcycle coverage. SR22 motorcycle insurance is a specialized policy that provides the coverage you need as a motorcycle rider. This blog post will discuss what SR22 motorcycle insurance is and why you might need it. We will also provide tips for finding the best policy for your needs.
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What is SR22 Motorcycle Insurance?
SR22 motorcycle insurance is a type of coverage that provides liability protection for riders and those who drive four-wheel motor vehicles who need to carry proof of financial responsibility. These policies are purchased by people who have serious traffic offenses on their driving record, such as reckless driving or driving without insurance. These individuals must purchase SR22 motorcycle insurance and maintain it for at least three years after their conviction to drive legally.
Whether you’re an occasional rider of high-performance sportbikes or you take your cruiser out regularly, an SR22 policy will be a must if serious offenses are part of your driving history, yet you want to ride legally.
How Much Is an SR22 Motorcycle Insurance Policy?
The average SR22 insurance policy costs about $3,500 a year.
Generally speaking, an SR 22 policy cost will be more than standard liability motorcycle insurance policies. This is because these drivers are considered high-risk and therefore have higher premiums associated with them.
How is SR22 Insurance Different From FR44 Insurance?
If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, you’ll need to obtain FR44 insurance. This is a much more expensive form of insurance coverage. You’ll be paying such a high premium because DUI is one of the most serious types of traffic violations that anyone can commit. The liability insurance minimums are as follows:
-$100,000 per person for bodily injury
-$300,000 per accident for bodily injury
-$50,000 for property damage
By comparison, SR22 minimums include the following:
-$10,000 per person for bodily injury
-$20,000 per accident for bodily injury
-$10,000 for property damage
How can I get an SR22 Motorcycle Insurance Policy?
The first step in obtaining an SR22 policy for just your motorcycle is to contact your current insurer about purchasing one from them. If they do not offer this type of coverage, you will need to find another company that will offer motorcycle insurance.
What are the Benefits of an SR22 Motorcycle Insurance Policy?
There are many benefits to carrying motorcycle insurance with the added benefit of being able to carry proof of financial responsibility. One benefit is that it provides additional protection if you ever get into an accident while riding your bike. Another benefit is that these policies often come with higher liability limits than other types of motorcycle insurance.
If you need to carry proof of financial responsibility, an SR22 policy can help. This type of coverage provides the same benefits as standard motorcycle insurance and allows drivers who are convicted of DWI or other serious traffic offenses to drive legally. If your insurer does not offer this type of coverage, look for another one that does.
How Long Does It Take To Get An SR22 Motorcycle Insurance Policy?
Depending on which state you live in, it only takes a few days or weeks to obtain an SR22 policy. Some states require that policies be purchased within 30 days after conviction, and others do not have any waiting period at all.
What Happens If I Cancel My SR22 Motorcycle Insurance Policy Before the End of Three Years?
If you cancel your policy before the end of three years, you will need to get another one and file it with your state’s DMV within 30 days. Failure to do so could result in jail time, fines up to $500 per day (or more), loss of license plates and registration privileges, suspension or revocation of driving privileges, and even vehicle impoundment until proof is provided that another policy has been purchased.
What Does SR 22 Insurance Cover?
SR 22 insurance covers bodily injury liability, property damage liability, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. This type of policy can provide additional protection if you ever get into an accident while driving your bike.
Do I Need a Motorcycle License to Buy SR22 Insurance?
No, you do not need a motorcycle license to buy SR22 insurance. However, if your current auto policy does not include this type of coverage, then it might be worth looking into purchasing one from another company that does offer it.
What Are Some Tips on Finding Cheap Motorcycle SR22 Insurance?
When looking for the most cost savings on an affordable SR 22 policy, it is important to shop around and compare rates from different insurers. Another way to save money on your policy is to increase your deductible. You can also reduce your coverage limits in order to bring down the cost of your premium.
So there you have it – some basics about SR22 motorcycle insurance policies. If you are convicted of a DWI or another serious traffic offense, carrying proof of financial responsibility with an SR22 policy can help you keep driving legally. Be sure to ask each insurance provider about their specific requirements for this type of coverage before buying a policy.